6 reasons why bump size is different to baby's

Bump size & baby size.

Throughout your pregnancy you may experience people exclaim “your bump is huge” or “you are tiny!” Despite people’s best intentions, this can lead to you questioning your baby’s growth. But be assured your bump size is not always equal to your baby's size.

Reasons why bump size can differ

Here are 6 reasons that affect the size of your bump:

If it is your first pregnancy

If you are expecting your first baby, your stomach muscles are most likely still compact – making sure to hold your baby in. After your first baby the muscles have been stretched so they can expand more easily leading to a bigger looking bump. The bottom line is that there is no one size fits all when it comes to baby bumps.

The amount of amniotic fluid

The amount of amniotic fluid can fluctuate throughout pregnancy and even hourly. At the beginning of pregnancy your body is producing most of the amniotic fluid. However as your baby grows they are producing more fluid through urine and lung excretions meaning your bump may change in size.

Your height

If you are tall you will have a longer abdomen meaning your uterus will push upwards rather than outwards. If you are short, there is less room for your uterus between your hip and your lowest rib to grow upwards so it will push outwards instead making your bump appear bigger.

Baby’s position

Your baby will move around a lot during their time in the womb (as you probably know already if you are in the later stages of pregnancy)! As they near the end of pregnancy they usually prefer a head down position but they can move their backs from one side to the other and depending on their position your bump may fluctuate in size.

Space is getting tight

As your uterus expands with baby, the placenta and the cord there is less and less room. Your internal organs have to fit somewhere and depending on the way they move they may be hidden behind the uterus or to the sides. This will affect the shape of your bump.

Your baby’s actual size

Ok so your baby’s actual size will of course play a role! If both you and your partner are tall baby is more likely to be long. If you are both petite baby is less likely to be long.

The bottom line is that there is no one size fits all when it comes to baby bumps. So try not to worry or to compare yourself to other women. And always speak to your midwife or doctor to put your mind at ease if you are concerned.

Your baby's future health begins here

At Aptaclub, we believe that experience helps to build resilience; and that each new encounter, whether in pregnancy or after birth, can shape your baby’s future development. With our scientific expertise and one-to-one round the clock support, we can help you and your baby embrace tomorrow.

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