Hyperemesis gravidarum, or HG for short, is a serious complication of pregnancy. While it is characterised by nausea and vomiting, which are symptoms of common pregnancy sickness, it is in fact far more severe and there is a host of other symptoms women experience.
The nausea experienced in HG can be so intense that women describe feeling like they’ve been poisoned, and it can be relentless day and night. Vomiting varies with HG from not at all to in excess of 50 times a day, which can be extremely draining. Interestingly, many mums-to-be who vomit regularly still describe nausea as the worst part of the condition.
In addition to extreme nausea and vomiting, women may experience a very heightened and warped sense of smell, making eating difficult. They may also have an excessive amount of saliva they need to constantly spit out; this is called ptyalism and can be very distressing and embarrassing.