How to bond with your baby aged 0 - 3 months

Time is precious.

How to foster the connection with your newborn

Building bonds with your baby will come naturally, so don’t feel daunted by the prospect, even if you’re not the one doing the feeding. It’s also important that the three of you – and any siblings – spend time together to give your new little one a real sense of belonging.

Baby holding finger

Building the connection

Here are some simple ways in which you can create that sense of connection with your baby:

  • Hold your baby close to you during feeding
  • Move their arms and legs gently
  • Massage them as you did in the first few weeks
  • Pick them up and rock them
  • Touch them

Touch is the best way to form a bond with your baby

Physical touch is the best way of building a bond with your baby, as it:

  • Gives them a sense of safety and security
  • Involves them in the world around them
  • Communicates with them so they can respond to you

The more contact you have with your baby, the stronger a bond you will build. But don’t be discouraged if they take a while to respond – it will naturally take a bit of time for you to get used to each other.

Your baby's future health begins here

At Aptaclub, we believe that experience helps to build resilience; and that each new encounter, whether in pregnancy or after birth, can shape your baby’s future development. With our scientific expertise and one-to-one round the clock support, we can help you and your baby embrace tomorrow.

mom and baby

Get in touch with our Careline experts

Our nutritionists and feeding advisors are always on hand to talk about feeding your baby. So if you have a question, just get in touch

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