Your baby is now the size of an avocado, and around 11.6cm in length. He or she will weigh around 100g1. The circulatory system is now starting to run, and can pump over 28 litres of blood a day.
Around now, your baby may start flexing their arms and fingers. Their hands may even be able to meet, form a fist, and hold each other2. As your baby’s nervous system continues to develop, their range of movements will also progress2.
Your baby may also be able to recognise your voice. Studies have shown that babies who hear a song while in the womb react to the same song when it’s sung after they’re born. Choose your lullabies wisely3.
While they’re beginning to make facial expressions, they can’t control them yet2. More importantly, your baby is gearing up for a tremendous growth spurt, more than doubling in weight over the next few weeks4.